About: Wes Towers

Recent Posts by Wes Towers

When it Comes to Marketing, Great Life Coaches Never Stop Learning

As a life coach, the process of learning should never end. Just because you are working as a life coach, this doesn’t mean you are equipped for every challenge in life. The more experience you have, the more awareness, presence, intuition, compassion and capabilities you get. To streamline this process, learn from the gifts and talents of others who specialise in the areas you would like to grow in. Good coaches have coaches themselves. Often, they have a few to work with them in specific areas. (more…)

The Sales and Marketing Mindset

If you have followed this website for long, you will know we are passionate about marketing. Marketing is important in business to produce sales, yet most people we work with are not too happy about 'selling'. I believe it is a mindset that we have created based on our understanding of what sales is and what sales people are like. We have all experience pushy, slimy sales people that you simply can't trust. That's exactly what we do not want to become. I agree, we should never be like this in our business and we shouldn't need to be, if our marketing process does it job well. I believe we need to change our understanding of what sales is in order for our marketing to produce the results we want it to. Read more No Comments

Generate Traffic with Internet Video Marketing

Although there are many sites where you can submit your promotional videos, YouTube should be on the top of the list. Most people turn to YouTube to browse and view videos, so getting your video there is one of the best ways to build up traffic to your website or blog. YouTube has a massive amount of traffic and therefore has a huge capacity to direct traffic your way, particularly if you know how to leverage it. (more…)

Powerpoint Without the Boring Bits

We have all sat through a boring Powerpoint presentation at some stage, fighting to hold our eyes open as the presenter reads through the bullet points, slide by slide and occasionally expanding on the points. Arrggg. Programs like Powerpoint, tend to funnel you into a style of presentation based on bullet-points and template design that often produce this kind of result. Imagery often comes as and after thought, just to fill some space. Imagery should not be just to 'pretty up' a boring, bullet point presentation. They should enhance your presentation. (more…)

Influence and Increase as a Life Coach

Becoming a life coach is a very rewarding career. Not just because of the healthy income you can achieve, but because you will grow as a person and have a positive influence on others. Be true to who you are when helping people and you will build trust and loyalty with the people you work with. Although you need to have a vision to succeed as a life coach, you will not get the number of clients you desire if you are not willing to be generous in your giving. There are some coaches that give free initial consultations. (more…)

The Secret to Business Card Design for Personal Trainers

Previously, we have discussed your brand as a foundation for all your marketing as a personal trainer. Once you have your brand vision in place and are ready to go, the first thing you need is a business card even before having your branded items produced. Always, always, always have business cards with you. As a personal trainer, you never know who you might meet. There are so many people who have been considering hiring a personal trainer but just haven’t found someone yet. Health and fitness is the kind of thing many people know they should do but continue to procrastinate. You need to be ready and available with business cards in your pocket ready for the opportunity. (more…)

Change and Graphic Design

Change is a great attention grabber. The brain is always scanning the environment assessing any change that it perceives. This can be used in design as a means to grab attention. If your target market has become familiar with your marketing material, such as your website, introducing slight changes are likely to gain more attention. This is why the use of dynamic banner ads continually attracts attention and clicks. The same thing is true of animation and video on websites. (more…)

New School Media

Promoting your business these days takes more than the old school, conventional tools of public relations like press releases. You must extend your reach further and use the new breed of social media tools. Aside from press releases, you can now leverage other media such as images, videos, posts, social networking (Facebook and others), micro-blogs (Twitter style) and blogs. Location-based social media site, Foursquare is also on the rise. (more…)

Speed and Marketing

People can be very impulsive, particularly when shopping. If your customers can achieve immediate gratification they will be more likely to buy now. When designing marketing material, it’s important to understand what may motivate your target market. Marketing to customers in-store may be very different to how you market to them in their homes through printed material or online. The right message must be used in the right situation. (more…)

Email Marketing and Auto-Responders for Life Coaches

Building relationships with clients and prospects is what makes any life coaching business. Having a great website is an important step towards your business success. The next step is to make the most out of the web visitors you are getting. There is no better way of doing this than sending out email newsletters. People visiting your website, who are interested in the information you are providing them, will often like to find out more. (more…)

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