The Most Beautiful Website Nobody Ever Saw

It’s pointless creating a visually stunning website if very few people ever see it. When working on an entrepreneurial website development, it is not just human visitors you must consider; you also need to make your website attractive to search engines to earn more respect from the search engine spiders looking for valuable information. In order to be noticed by the human visitors your website has to be visible on top of the search engine results. The best way to accomplish a more prominent placement in the search results is to keep your website fresh and regularly update content.

The Ego-Driven Design

Every piece of the web development puzzle has an impact on your search engine optimisation. Some features or coding helps and some hinders your results. Many developers invest most of there time and resources into the look and feel of the website. While these things are important, it can be counter-productive if you overdo it. They may try to use all of the latest languages ignoring the fact that many search engines tend to overlook them making their sites unfriendly to both the human users and the search engines for the sake of aesthetics. Just because the web design looks good to the developer or the business owner, doesn’t mean it will look good to the search engines.

Forgive the jargon here…

HTML, hypertext transfer machine language and CSS, cascade style sheets are two of the most friendly to web crawlers. Asynchronous JavaScript and extended machine language join them in being the most friendly to search engines. However, there are some developers who want to get involved in more complicated languages, or use Flash to provide a particular appearance. Not only can some of these languages slow down the loading of the page, they also tend to hide from the search engines. As a result they have some of the best looking websites that no one will ever see.

The Most Beautiful Website Nobody Ever Saw
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The Most Beautiful Website Nobody Ever Saw
It’s pointless creating a visually stunning website if very few people ever see it. Here's how to get your ideal customers eye-balls on your website!

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