The Elevator Pitch Secret Formula

The elevator pitch or elevator speech is the short, concise, and convincing speech that you would make if you found yourself suddenly in the company of a potential customer or partner. The point of the elevator pitch is to make that person become interested in what you have to propose.

Named metaphorically, the elevator pitch is the sort of speech you would give to a prospect if you would meet them in an elevator. Since you won’t be with them for long – usually less than 30 seconds – you have to be to the point and convincing.

Rules for a Good Elevator Pitch

Nobody likes a ‘hard sell’ even if you are interested in the product or service on offer. There are basic rules to apply to your elevator pitch so it comes across well.

Be benefits oriented.

Highlight how your product service helps people just like them.

Use stories.

People remember stories they can related to. Of course you have got to be really quick in this case. Give them just enough to spark interest.

Be perceptive.

You are going to have to take a chance and quickly assess what kind of person you are talking to and what they could be interested in. Yes, you may get it wrong but you only have a short time to engage so have a crack at it.

The Golden Rule to Elevator Pitches

Get their details and follow them up. Chances are high they forgot about you during the course of the day even if they did want to buy something so give them a call a day or so later.

As an entrepreneur, you need an excellent elevator pitch for any occasion. What’s more, you can use the same fundamental concepts of brevity and specificity in your marketing campaigns. It’s amazing how all your marketing elements dovetail together when you have a consistent message.

If you need help coming with the right elevator pitch, don’t hesitate to ask for it.

The Elevator Pitch Secret Formula
Article Name
The Elevator Pitch Secret Formula
Nobody likes a ‘hard sell’ even if you are interested in the product or service on offer. Here's the rules to apply to your elevator pitch so it works!

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