Secrets of Designing a Website that Could Make you Rich

I tend to do a lot of networking and meet a lot of small business owners and entrepreneurs. We often get talking about their website and almost always they mention they are looking to update their website at some stage. Very few are happy with the results their website is creating. In a nutshell, most are disappointed in the low level of extra sales and profit the website is creating for their website. This should not be the case…

Good Web Development Should be Simple

Good websites operates on a simple principle, the good old faithful “Kiss” method. I’m sure you already know this acronym stands for Keep it Simple Stupid, it has been around for many decades now. Website design should be functional and creative without too much “congestion” and noise. The call-to-action should be clear and compelling if you want a high conversion rate.

Good Web Development  Should be Complex

While the end user experience and interaction should be simple and intuitive what happens behind the scenes is quite complex if your website is to be successful. A high quality web development team will think through and structure your website in such a way that it:

  • Loads fast
  • Get’s found in search engines
  • Works in all browsers

These are the basic, but often overlooked essentials. The final touches may include multimedia, blogs, forums, chat, contact forms, interactivity etc.

If you want to be found in search engines you really need to consider Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) when coding your website. Many think this is something you bolt on at the end of a web development project. That may be possible however it’s far better to create the website with the search engines in mind from the start.

There is a lot to consider while creating a website; SEO, page links, images, menu linkage and the layout for the content. The list goes on. Each of these elements must work in cohesion with one another or the website design will fail to achieve its purpose, to generate more profit for your business.

Watch Out for the Inexperienced Designer

If you don’t know what you are doing, website design becomes a process of trial and error. Inexperienced designers interlink the menu and pages together in an obscure way without a strong plan or structure. The images are often large files and slow loading and they rarely consider SEO when constructing the website. The website often are filled with coding errors that cause the website to load inconsistently in various browsers. They tend to go for a cookie cutter approach, working with templates and pre-existing files to short-cut the process. Sadly, these kind of websites rarely produce results.

If you want a website that could make you rich, contact Omnific Design.

Secrets of Designing a Website that Could Make you Rich
Article Name
Secrets of Designing a Website that Could Make you Rich
Good websites operates on a simple principle, the good old faithful “Kiss” method. Keep it Simple Stupid. Here's what you should look for.

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