Persuasive Branding Colour

Although it may be hard for some entrepreneurs to imagine the full impact colour has on consumers, consider how some branding and marketing experts are using colour to influence buyer behavior. For example, green is used to make people relax, red to hurry people up and pink to convey femininity just to name a few. Whether you identify with it in your own life or not, colour can affect your mood and influence your perception. When used in branding, it can truly be an effective tool to help brands stand out as well as linger in the minds of a target market.

Colour gives life to everything since it is the effect of light on substance. If there were no light, there would be no colour. Just imagine how the world would look if it had no colour. The qualities and emotions that colour brings to life make it even more meaningful. That is why the correct use of colour may influence human perception and even behavior, making it the perfect tool for any marketer.

The Language of Colour

Colour may be considered a form of language since it can be used to convey thoughts as a way of communication. A single colour in a specific context may be enough to communicate a message. In traffic lights, for example, the red light prompts drivers to stop their cars, amber to stop if they can, and green to go. In this simple example, it can easily be seen how colour is used in everyday life as a means of communication. These responses to colour are learned behaviours, however, the colours used have been purposefully selected to enhance the intended message. Colour can help create behavior by sending the right ‘signals’ to your target market.

The Emotion of Colour

Aside from being a form of communication, the importance of colour may also be perceived by the way it can enhance moods and emotions. The use of certain colours can bring out a certain emotion in people. A certain colour can be enough to bring out memories and experiences. Colour can be associated with a certain mood and can be used in a number of ways to enhance them. Colour triggers something deep inside, which can conjure a certain emotion that often goes beyond the basic sense of sight. It can stir something in the heart and mind of your target market.

The importance of colour as an effective persuader is something that skilled graphic designers and marketers take very seriously. Using colours to influence consumer behavior makes it a valuable facet of brand building. The right mix of colours may be enough to make products more appealing, attractive and enticing.

Persuasive Branding Colour
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Persuasive Branding Colour
Here's how some branding and marketing experts are using colour to influence buyer behavior. Follow these steps for your own business brand.

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