In Business, Bigger Isn’t Always Better

A bigger business is better than a smaller one right? They will get the work done faster and do a better job since they have more resources than a smaller business. Oh really?

Far to often I see small businesses trying to act bigger than they are while the bigger companies try to appear smaller. No matter how simple or complicated the products and services are, I believe you need to build business that is consistent with who you are at the time. Sure, as a small business you should dream big and look to expand however you should not sacrifice the advantages you have right now. Small businesses often have the ability to respond and take action quicker and more effectively than larger businesses who are bogged down with systems and paperwork. Use this to your advantage.

Here are a few things to consider as a small business owner:

Act On Facts, Not Impulse

Most small businesses have a lot of enthusiasm and yes, they can be more responsive than larger competitors. The problem is they can also be impulsive. Make sure you don’t get caught up in the enthusiasm and forget to do your due diligence. Work out your strategic direction as a business and then ask yourself this question wherever a new opportunity presents itself:

Does this opportunity help support our overall strategy? If it does, go for it. If not, don’t waste your time.

Employee Satisfaction

As a small business, you will be able to have your finger on the pulse better when it comes to your team. This enables you to discern more about your employees than the larger companies can. Are they quick to help you? Do they know what they are doing? As a small business owner you should have a good professional relationship with your employees. This means you can be proactive so no internal drama is going to get in the way of producing high quality work. Consistency is key, and a small business with low employee turnover is a great way to ensure consistency.

Systems that Serve You

Big businesses are often slow and cumbersome with mountains of paperwork and procedures. To get a simple task done you could wait on hold for hours, only to speak to someone offshore who can not help you. Argghhh. Who wants to be big? Sure you need systems in place however they should be lean and robust so that don’t get in the way of a positive customer experience.

Big businesses may have big budgets so they can market and sell themselves effectively, but a positive customer review is the life blood of any small business. A few customers not getting what they want or getting something late may not hurt a big business however it has the potential to destroy a small one.

In Business, Bigger Isn’t Always Better
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In Business, Bigger Isn’t Always Better
A bigger business is better than a smaller one right? They will get the work done faster and do a better job. Oh really? Find out why it ain't so!

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