Refining Your Marketing Tactics For Your Target Market

Marketing your business hinges on how well you know the target market you are selling your services or products to. The more you understand about your target market the better you will market to them. Your goals should be to connect with a group of individuals who are your ideal customers. If you are unclear who your target market is, define your ideal customer and make people with those characteristics your target market.

As a small business you must be laser focused on your target market. Your target market will have commonalities that make them distinctive among all consumers. The better you know who you are targeting, the more accurate your marketing tactics will be.

The elements of your target market

Every target market has a unique profile of these four key elements:

  1. Psychographic Profile – this is based on things like lifestyle, opinions, interests and hobbies.
  2. Demographic Profile – this is comprised of data that can be measured such as age, gender, occupation and income.
  3. Benefit Profile – this is the common or similar benefits your target market wish to receive from your business. These include avoiding pain, comfort, savings or luxury.
  4. Geographic Profile – this is the location your target market work or reside.

You must appeal to your target market not your own preferences and desires. To often as small businesses we presume our target market is just like us and wonder why they don’t respond the same way we would to our material. When you understand your target market it will impact the design of your material, the way you promote, distribute, price and position your brand. You should understand all of these profiles for your target market to formulate your unique strategy however the strongest motivator to buy is the Benefit Profile. What’s in it for the customer? Why do they buy? Sell the benefits of your brand through your marketing. They are the emotional reasons why people buy.

Refining Your Marketing Tactics For Your Target Market
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Refining Your Marketing Tactics For Your Target Market
Marketing your business hinges on how well you know the target market you are selling your services or products to. Here's how to understand your target market.