5 Ways Direct Mail Can Drive Traffic To Your Website

Many businesses are reaping the benefits of website strategies and internet marketing these days however, there are many offline opportunities that could dramatically increase your online results. It’s about getting the right combination of online and offline marketing that works for your business. One of the best offline strategies that can boost your online effectiveness is direct mail.

While direct mail might be a traditional, old school form of marketing, it is by no means a thing of the past. In fact, switched on marketers are taking advantage of direct mail for a relatively new purpose, to drive traffic to there websites.

Here are five ways you can use direct mail in generating large volumes of targeted traffic to your website:

Compelling Offer

First of all, a direct marketing piece should always contain a compelling offer. It must provide a strong reason for your target audience to respond, in this case, to visit your website. You could try motivating your target market with a free offer, discount coupons or a chance to win something if they respond.


Always use urgency in your offer. If people feel they could potentially miss out, the perceived value of your offer increases. You could create urgency by limiting the time or the number of products/services available. When there is urgency, your target market will be motivated to act on your offer immediately. Be clear with your deadline and place it near your call to action or CTA.


You could try personalising your direct mail. Digitally printing techniques have made this a lot easier and more cost effective than it was in the past. People tend to respond well if they feel as though you have taken the time and care to know who they are. I’d always suggest testing and measuring to see if personalisation gives you a better response rate. In some case, the additional time and expense is not worth the effort however, more often than not it will send your response rates through the roof.

Memorable URL

A memorable URL (or website address) is extremely important if you want to generate traffic with any of your offline marketing strategies. Your target audience needs to be able to remember your website so they can type it into a browser at a later stage.

Landing Pages

Even better than directing people to your homepage, you could set up a landing page specific to your direct mail offer. This way you will not only increase website traffic but can focus on the specific niche which is most likely to generate sales. By setting up a landing page you will avoid distractions that may occur on your homepage that probably focuses on a broad range of products and services.

If you have an exceptional landing page that connects with your target audience, you should increase your response rate and hopefully gather pertinent information for further follow-up and promotions. Maybe you could have a free giveaway in exchange for a name and email address. The possibilities are endless once you get them on your website and are interacting with them online.