How Proper Coding Can Affect a Website’s Effectiveness

Website coding is very important. It is what keeps your website working properly. When somebody mentions coding though, the first word that will probably enter your mind is technical. Because of this, you might leave off discussing about it until the very last minute even if there might be valid concerns why the subject was brought up in the first place.

You don’t have to be bogged down about the technicalities of coding. You don’t have to know everything there is to know about it. You need to be aware though that “what you don’t know” can actually hurt you, your website and your business.

As business owners and entrepreneurs, you are not expected to know coding languages and how it all works behind the scenes. You just need it for your website to work.

It is just like with your car. Every morning, you jump into your car, start the engine and drive to work. You don’t ever consider how all the mechanics works and what are happening behind the scenes unless something is wrong. If an odd noise develops in the car or something else seems not quite right, that’s the only time when you will think what it might be.

The same is true with websites. Oftentimes, a website is built and it looks amazing on your browser. The trouble is what it does look like on other browsers and PC monitors. What do search engines see when they visit your website? When tested, a lot of websites show coding errors that could be causing massive problems. With poor quality coding, the two biggest risks you might face are:

  1. Your website is appearing incorrectly to some visitors (in some cases it’s not even usable).
  2. Search engines are giving you very little traffic (in some cases they won’t index you at all).

Those are the bad news. There is good news though. Once the coding errors are identified, they are usually very easy to fix. In most cases, a few small changes can have a massive impact on your overall website performance.

There are little things that when done correctly, can have a big impact on your website performance in search engines. For example, you should have a unique meta-title and description on every page of your website. If you are wondering what these are, they are the text search engines often use when listing your website in search results. By making your description unique and specific for every page, you are giving search engines a better result and they will love you for it. If the search engines love you, then that is definitely good for business.



How Proper Coding Can Affect a Website’s Effectiveness
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How Proper Coding Can Affect a Website’s Effectiveness
As business owners and entrepreneurs, you are not expected to know coding languages and how it all works behind the scenes. You just need it works correctly!

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