How to Design a Corporate Image That Get’s Results

We consumers are fickle. We’re pressed for time, we have a need and we want it met; we care little for the years and heartache you’ve poured into your business venture. We judge a business according to the corporate image it presents. Often if we like the look and feel of it, we buy it. This is why the corporate image developed and conveyed through your marketing is so critical.

Professional Corporate Image Development

Your corporate image should mirror the values of your target market. You should present this visual message throughout all your marketing material on a consistent basis so you can get the edge over your competitors. Some companies are tempted to do their own corporate image marketing and graphic design to minimise costs. But if you want to really compete, you’re going to need a highly competent, professional graphic designer. Research shows that businesses have a dramatically greater chance of success when they use a professional graphic designer. You can’t fool your customers — they’ll notice the difference in quality between the creative, strategic design done by a professional and the amateur, slap-up job done by ‘Betty’ from Accounts. If customers judge you according to the corporate image you project, you can’t afford to cut corners on corporate image marketing and graphic design.

Graphic designers know what works and what doesn’t. They’re objective and can offer you a fresh perspective on who you are and what you have to offer. They understand effective graphic design and use design principles that can make the difference between a customer choosing you or a competitor.

Once you know who your target market is, you need to design with them in mind. Talk to your graphic designer about your target market and the designs that may appeal to them. Aim for clarity and distinctiveness in both the message and graphic design, with corporate colour schemes and typography that are suitable.

Corporate Image Marketing and Logo Design

Symbols speak many words, and logos can be powerful marketing tool to communicate your brand personality and vision. Think of a yellow ‘M’ or an elongated ‘swoosh’ and the images they instantly conjure, that’s how you create a brand. These simple symbols embody success, power and determination. Logos serve as the backbone of a company’s brand. You need a logo design that’s instantly recognisable and will work just as well as a small header on your stationery as it would on a two-storey high colour billboard. Your graphic designer can work with you to design a compelling and memorable corporate image and logo that your target audience will identify with. With graphic design, consistency across all forms of your printed material is crucial. Be sure that your corporate image is identifiable by a single logo, colour scheme, typography and style. All design must work together to send your corporate message to your target market.

Seek feedback from customers to gauge the kind of image your business is sending into the market place and see what can be improved upon.

How to Design a Corporate Image That Get's Results
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How to Design a Corporate Image That Get's Results
Your corporate image should mirror the values of your target market. You should present this visual message throughout all your marketing material consistently.