Category Archives: Web Design

This comprehensive blog will show small business owners and Entrepreneurs in Williamstown, how to market there businesses online!

How to Create Your Ultimate Website Strategy

In this article, we will show you step by step how to develop your own online strategy. The first thing you need for your online strategy is of course your own website. Many business owners set out with not much idea of where they are headed with their online strategy. As a result they look for guidance from a web developer or designer who can then easily guide them into whatever they specialise in. However, the solution these developers suggest may not be the best fit for your goals and objectives. It’s important to do the ground work first, so you know what you are looking for and can then seek guidance on how to make it happen most efficiently. (more…)

How to Avoid the Most Common Website Mistakes

Ranking high in search engines is the goal for many website owners. You should be aware this is easier if your website has been designed from the ground up, to be friendly to search engines. Make sure you work with a web designer who understands the requirements of search engines. Here are some of the top mistakes often seen on websites: (more…)

How to Structure Your Website for Maximum Results

Planning your website architecture sounds technical, but really, it doesn’t need to be. All you need is a pen and paper and start scribbling down how your website will flow. For those that prefer to do it on a PC, you could use a simple Word document or a spreadsheet, so you can map out the pages and navigation you want included. A more complicated diagram may be required for large scale websites. However, for most businesses, this is overkill. Just make sure you include all the details of the framework and requirements for your website. Mistakes in website creation can be expensive and difficult to fix, so it is vital that you take the time to map out the structure of your site based on your specific needs. You don’t need to know all

Your Own Ultimate Website Strategy

Creating your ultimate website strategy is a process that you should go through with care and thoughtful planning. This should involve not only establishing the design for your website but the overall strategy behind what you are intending to do. You should have a clearly defined plan for your website, knowing want you want it to produce for your business. (more…)

3 Things to Consider if you want to Turn Your Website into a Cash Cow

Whether you’re looking to attract new customers to your website, generate better on-line sales or establish new partnerships, there are many things to consider. Not only do you need to get the design right, but the functionality and search engine optimised website programming. While a website can be a powerful marketing tool, getting an effective website design off the ground can be challenging. (more…)

What to Do and Not to Do When Building a Website

Whether you are trying to create a website from scratch or you are redesigning the one that you already have, there are number of things that you should and should not do. The primary thing that you should do is think of your customers before yourself. You can do this if you will take the time to understand there Psychographic Profile, which is comprised of variables that influence their purchasing decisions. These variables include lifestyles, attitudes, interests and opinions. If you have the complete Psychographic Profile of your target market, then you will be able to structure your website using this information, rather than focussing on just your products or services. (more…)

Are Apps the Next Website?

There’s a school of thought floating around that suggests App’s are the “new” websites. Some are suggesting all small businesses will one day have an App of their own, just like it has become the norm for every small business to have a website. I disagree for a number of reasons. Read on… (more…)